Friday, May 18, 2007

e-bulletin for week after Ascension: May 20 2007

Services this Week : Parish of St Peter, Fredericton, N. B.
May 23 Pine Grove Nursing Home H C 11 a.m.
May 23 mid-week Holy Communion 7 p.m.
May 27 Pentecost Sunday Holy Communion 8 & 11 a.m.
May 27 Whitsunday Evensong 7 p.m.
We welcome all who are worshipping with us on this most Holy season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.
ACW Fund -raiser: No-Bake Sale Sunday May 20th and May 27th: A basket is at the rear for donations for this annual event. The ACW supports the Parish as well as diocesan and world mission initiatives.

All Ladies are invited to the Annual dinner out Mon June 4 Mactaquac Holiday Inn: 6:30 p.m. A sign-up sheet is to be found at the rear today; Sunday May 20th and next week Sunday May 27th so approximate numbers can be determined. [Two menus will be available from which to order.]This is a social and Fr Hebb and Mrs Hebb are the guests.

Is there someone who should be prayed for ? Prayers can be either public (in Church) or private - in homes and the Rector's personal devotions

The Fredericton Food bank: The Food Bank asks for a focus on ‘meal in a can’ items such as canned stews, canned beans or canned pasta.

Bible Word Scramble : ousstcl - see readings on reverse. Last week's answer: steadfast Deut: 7:9
Last Parish Bible Study: Ste Anne's Ct: continue May 22 at 3:30

Note : the Rev Dr Hebb will be in Halifax this Thursday speaking to the Halifax/Dartmouth branch of the UEL Association concerning Loyalist NB

Stanley Salmon and Fiddlehead Supper May 20th seatings 3, 4:30 & 6 p.m. call for tickets $12 adults, $8 children - 6-12/ phone call 367-2099 or 367-2887

Note: mid week service cancelled on Wed May 30, 7 p.m. - this instance only!

Meet Bishop of new Companion Diocese of Ho in Ghana, on Wed June 6 at St Mary’s Devon: Bishop Matthais Medadues-Badohu; HC at 7 with reception following - all welcome!