Tuesday, November 04, 2008

E-Bulletin: Nov 2 2008 // All Saints/All Souls

Services this Week : Parish of St Peter, Fredericton, N. B.
Nov. 5 mid-week 7 p.m.
Nov 9. Trinity 25 (Remembrance Sunday) Holy Communion 8 & 11 a.m.
We welcome all who are worshipping with us on this Trinity Season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.

The Fredericton Food Bank would welcome: any garden vegetables, hand bar soaps, hair care items, shampoo, shaving cream, razors, toothpaste, feminine hygiene items.

Bible Word Scramble : iaegnthbr - see readings on reverse. Last week's answer: restore Acts 1:6
Parish Bible Study: St Anne’s Court, Nov 4, 3:30 p.m. all welcome!

Two Seasonal Initiatives:

ACW Christmas Bazaar & Chicken Casserole Luncheon Nov. 8, 11 a.m. ff $7:00 for lunch, White elephants, crafts, knitting, baked goods etc please support this major fund-raising effort of our Parish by contributing and attending!

Operation Christmas Child "Shoe Box" campaign: Thanks to Darla we are again sharing in this ministry to less fortunate children around the world. Shoe boxes are provided at the rear and in each box are instructions as to what can and cannot go in each gift box. Please pick up a box and participate in this ministry. ALL Boxes must be returned by Nov 23rd for shipment overseas.
Upcoming hall usage: Nov 2 baby shower // Nov 7, archivists of the Canadian Anglican Church coming to St Peter’s for a tour of church building and a meal/ Nov 9- birthday party noon - 2 p.m.

Vestry Meeting Nov 9, 12:30 in the Taylor Room - last meeting of the year !

Apple Pie Sale St John’s Church 75 Main St., Mon to Thurs. Nov 3 to 6: Cost 3 pies for $15 or $6;00 each. Bagged and freezer ready: call to order: 453-9475

Needed Now: A volunteer(s) to snow shovel the church and parish hall this winter. Shovelling must be done after each storm. If we cannot find volunteer(s) or someone to pay to do it the hall will become unusable. This will seriously impact our outreach (cubs, scouts etc) and also hurt (or even maybe terminate) hall generated cash flow from paying rentals.