Thursday, October 15, 2009

E:Bulletin: Thanksgiving Sunday 2009 / Trinity 18

Services the Week after Thanksgiving Sunday: Parish of St Peter, Fredericton, N. B.

Oct. 14 midweek Holy Communion 7 p.m.
Oct 17 Annual Turkey Supper at St Peter`s 4:30 -6:30
Oct 18 Back to Church Sunday Holy Communion 8 & 11 a.m.
Oct. 18 (St Luke the Evangelist) Light reception follows 11 a.m. service in Parish Hall

Today’s bulletin cover is Given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of George, Stephen and Brent Duncan by wife and mother Ethel Duncan.

We welcome Kate MacKenzie (Dekleva) into the Family of Christ`s Church this day and pray that the rest of her life may be as blessed as this beginning.
October 20 Parish Bible Study Ste Anne’s Ct 3:30 p.m.: Genesis
ACW deanery Annual Oct 22: 9:30 St Michael & All Angels Church Main St Minto; Speaker: Sharon Miller
We welcome all who are worshipping with us during this Trinity season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.

The Fredericton Food bank: The Food Bank asks for a focus on ‘meal in a can’ items such as canned stews, canned beans or canned pasta.

Bible Word Scramble : iagntltr - see readings on reverse. Last week's answer: baggage Ezekiel 12:3

Our Turkey Supper Sat Oct 17 4:30 -6:30 If you do not have an assigned task please speak to Mary Christie – our kitchen ``captain – co-ordinator! A basket is at the rear for cash donations for supplies.

Back to Church Sunday (scheduled for October 18) will be held again this fall. Please begin thinking and praying about this initiative, that is, Who will you invite this year? Check this out: Also needed are tea/coffee makers and sandwich/sweets for the post-11 a.m. service reception!

Confirmation at St Peter’s is Sunday November 8th. Please plan to attend this crucial event in the life of our Parish and show your support for our young people by your prayers and bodily presence!

Memorial / Thank-offering Bulletins: As the cost of nice bulletin covers has risen our Parish has scaled back on their use. However, in order to have beautiful bulletin covers for special occasions Fr Hebb wonders if individuals would like to cover the $20.00 cost as a Thank-offering for a blessing received or as a memorial to a departed loved one. Think now of Advent C & L as well as of each of the four Sundays of Advent. To reserve a date and bulletin please speak with Fr Hebb!

A Message from YOUR Vestry: St. Peter’s Contributions: Here at St Peter’s, as elsewhere, there is the need to increase our weekly giving so as to remain economically viable. To that end, Vestry members have accepted the challenge and each member has agreed to increase their personal weekly giving by 10%. We would invite and encourage you to join us in this undertaking. St. Peter’s has played a central role in the lives of parishioners for more than 170 years. Our ability to continue with our joint Ministry hinges on our capacity to meet mounting operating expenses and a growing capital budget. Thank you for your consideration of this important request and please feel free to discuss this with the Wardens; Bob Matthews and Mary Christie, any Vestry member or Fr. Hebb. To change your e-offering pick up the form at the rear or download it from this link:
Vestry News: Last week`s vestry meeting received some good news – last winter`s church fuel bill has been paid off! Also, the treasurer reports that folks are responding to the 10% challenge found in the paragraph above. However challenges remain. Last winter`s snow removal bill still stands at $2,779.00 and we have not yet secured a contractor for this upcoming season. Vestry has also decided on the placement of hand sanitizer in the church as well as to support Fr Hebb`s decision to temporarily switch to Morning Prayer when and if H1N1 seriously strikes our community.
As for the Church Exterior Restoration Fund everyone should receive the latest mailing – including a donations envelope and pledge card by month`s end! Please plan your 2009 support NOW!