Friday, December 18, 2009

E:Bulletin Dec 20, 2009 Advent IV

Services this Week: Parish of St Peter, Fredericton, N. B.

December 23 H C Pine Grove Nursing Home 11 a.m.
Dec 23 midweek at St Peter’s cancelled 7 p.m.
Dec 24 Children’s Creche service for under 10 yrs of age 4 – 4:30 p.m.
Dec 24 Family Eucharist with children’s talk for over 8 yrs 7 p.m.
Dec 24 Adult Eucharist 10 p.m.
Dec 25 Holy Communion (said) 11 a.m.
Dec 26 Holy Communion St Stephen’s Day (said) 11 a.m.
Dec 27 Holy Communion St John’s Day (Sunday) 8 & 11 a.m.
Dec 28 Holy Communion Holy Innocents (said) 11 a.m.
Dec 30 midweek cancelled 7 p.m.

We welcome all who are worshipping with us during this Advent season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.

The Fredericton Food bank: The Food Bank asks for a focus on ‘meal in a can’ items such as canned stews, canned beans or canned pasta.

Church Calendars for sale $5:00 each please get yours!

Word Scramble : aeenkhr- see readings on reverse. Last week's answer: coastlands Isaiah 42:10

Today’s bulletin cover is given to the Greater Glory of God and in loving memory of departed members of St Peter’s congregation.

New Initiative: Invite a Friend to Christmas Services: Recent years have seen a decline in numbers at our two later Christmas eve services. This is partly due to the children’s crèche service at 4 p.m. and partly due to the aging of many of our families – children have grown-up, married and moved away. To counter this trend, Fr Hebb urges folks to invite someone to Christmas worship this week. Christmas Eve serves are especially beautiful, moving and meaningful – why not give it a try and invite someone?

A Message from YOUR Vestry: St. Peter’s Contributions: Here at St Peter’s, as elsewhere, there is the need to increase our weekly giving so as to remain economically viable. To that end, Vestry members have accepted the challenge and each member has agreed to increase their personal weekly giving by 10%. We would invite and encourage you to join us in this undertaking. St. Peter’s has played a central role in the lives of parishioners for more than 170 years. Our ability to continue with our joint Ministry hinges on our capacity to meet mounting operating expenses and a growing capital budget. Thank you for your consideration of this important request and please feel free to discuss this with the Wardens; Bob Matthews and Mary Christie, any Vestry member or Fr. Hebb. To change your e-offering pick up the form at the rear or download it from this link:

Vestry News: Our last vestry meeting received some good news – last winter`s snow plowing bill is able to be paid off! Also, the treasurer reports that folks are responding to the 10% challenge found in the paragraph above. We are now happy to report having secured a contractor to plow snow this coming season. As for the Church Exterior Restoration Fund: Although everyone has received the October mailing – there remain over 100 outstanding responses! Please do act with your 2009 support NOW! Remember ... our goal is $50,000.00 in total. We can reach this goal if everyone contributes and pulls together!

The Cathedral Puppeteers, including our own Cody McKay, are going on a Mission trip to Belize in 2010. Cody needs to raise funds to go. During the mission the young folks will work on a school and do presentations for the children. Cody asks for your prayers and monetary support. 459-1764 or Note also: the cathedral

puppeteers will be making their annual visit to St Peter’s January 24, 2010!

New Service schedule, new sidesmen schedule and new readers rota are available at the rear and on the Parish website: . A servers schedule will appear once Fr Hebb has had opportunity to train several new servers!

Sign-up sheets for both church cleaning and altar guild are available at the rear – please consider taking a turn. A sheet describing what is expected for cleaning is also at the rear for your convenience.

Christmas time flowers: Please speak with Maria Matthews giving her both the money and the memorial information: Let’s make God’s House especially lovely this holy season!

Parish Annual Meeting January 24, 2010 our meeting follows a pot luck meal – all welcome!
