Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Trinity X, August 12, 2012

Services the Week after Trinity IX: Parish of St Peter, Fredericton,

Today: Archdeaconry Commission Meeting with food (potluck) at 12:30 p.m. all welcome!
Aug. 13-14      Fr Hebb will be in Halifax these two days for an eye appointment.
Aug 15             midweek at St Peter’s                                          7 p.m.                         
Aug 19             Holy Communion 11th Sunday after TRINITY   8 a.m.
August  19       Holy Communion & Holy Baptism                     11 a.m.
We welcome all who are worshipping with us in this Trinity season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.

Annual Quiet Day Wed., Sept 5, Camp Medley 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring a cold lunch meal, casual dress and two talks by Cpt Andrew Robertson

St Michael’s Youth Conference August  20-25th – see rear for sign-up sheets/ applications.

Forms for Camp Medley and Brookwood are also available at the rear – financial assistance for any of these camps is also available – please speak to Fr Hebb

Employment opportunity: Part-time, yr round : Parish Hall cleaner, flexible hours, great boss (ha)

Needed  A part-time Sunday School teacher for this fall – duties will be shared with the three other ladies teaching in order to provide a second class for our students. Speak to Fr Hebb of Ruth B.

Pride in our Parish: This is the anniversary of the 1812-1814 War (against the American aggressors). This was the war of the famous winter march of New Brunswick’s 104th Regiment of Foot from Fredericton to Kingston, (Upper Canada) The Regiment became storm stayed at Lake Temiscouta in Quebec Colony and ran very low on supplies. Lieutenant Charles Rainsford and two volunteers snowshoed 145 kms in 48 hours and returned with a rescue party carrying food to the 200 starving soldiers! Captain Rainsford, [Canadian hero] and his wife Deborah and three children were all members of St Peter’s. Capt Rainsford is buried in our cemetery! [source: www.stjohnriver.org]  see also Parish website for Press Release for the Official Unveiling: www.stpeterfredericton.nb.ca

A warm “thank-you” to all who worked and supported the Dedication of the Rainsford Interpretive Sign dedication event on July 31st.  Gleaner and CBC coverage were most encouraging. Our little Parish church and cemetery are now “on the map” with the citizens of the Greater Fredericton area!

Birthday celebration for Pearl Bryenton TODAY Sunday Aug 12; 2-4 p.m. at 400 Old Springhill Rd – Frankie`s place. Presentations at 3 p.m. All friends of Pearl are indeed welcome!

“Doors Open” by the City will include St Peter’s this year on Sept 23 – stay tuned – guides needed!