Thursday, October 04, 2012

Thanksgiving Sunday Oct., 7, 2012



Services the Week after Trinity XVIII: Parish of St Peter, Fredericton, N. B.

Oct. 9               Parish Bible Study Governor Hall, Shannex Complex             3-4 p.m.

Oct. 10             midweek at St Peter’s                                                               7 p.m.
Oct. 11             Parables in Parish Hall                                                             7 p.m. 
Oct 14              Holy Communion  Trinity 19                                                  8 & 11 a.m.

We welcome all who are worshipping with us in this Trinity season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.

All foodstuffs brought to St Peter’s for Thanksgiving will be delivered to the Fredericton Food bank

ACW monthly meeting Tues Oct 9 7 p.m. in Parish Hall

ACW Deanery Annual Oct 11 Registration at 9 a.m. Cathedral Memorial Hall, morning meeting is in the Church while the afternoon is in the memorial hall.

Autumn Turkey Supper (on Oct. 13th)  at St Peter’s Hall. Sign –up sheets are at the rear and cash donations for supplies are needed – use basket please!

NCD Report and Brainstorming session: A small but determined crowd met on Sunday Sept 16 to  receive our Parish’s NCD survey results and to make future plans. We learnt that our strengths have  grown stronger and our weakness have become less weak  - that is, we have improved. Most changes initiated after the first survey have borne positive results. Personal and passionate spirituality still require work as does a ‘sense’ that we pray for one another regularly. One clear element that emerged – not originating with the rector, is that we need to revisit the  idea of establishing a mechanism whereby folks visit one another intentionally and ‘on behalf’ of the Parish community. Ideas on this subject will be welcomed. Please speak with the minister or Wilfred or Sandra or Ria.

Missionary Canon Paul Jefferies is coming to St Peter’s !! Sunday March 3, 2013 pre-book that day off and plan to attend worship, potluck and presentation in the Parish Hall. Paul presents and inspires – he does not give a fund-raising speech!

Needed: another part-time Sunday school teacher for our Sunday School programme!

First time TODAY this year’s Operation Christmas Child boxes are available starting  this date! Why not take a box and plan to fill it as a family activity? Boxes are due back NO later than Nov 18th Darla MacNaughton is our Parish contact and rep for this annual initiative.

St Peter’s participation in the City of Fredericton’s “Doors Open” Event last week was a success!