Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Advent II, Dec.,8, 2013 Bible Sunday!

Upcoming Worship Services and Events at the Parish of St Peter, Fredericton.

Dec 10             Bible Study Shannex; Brunswick Hall                                     3 p.m.

Dec 11             midweek  at St Peter's                                                             7 p.m..

Dec 15             Advent III Holy Communion                                                   8 a.m.

Dec 15  Sunday School Programme / carol and lessons and Congregational Pot luck   11 a.m.
                  Come out and show your support for our Sunday school by attending both the                                                                                                                                   service and the potluck or this may be the last year we have a potluck after the                                                                 Sunday school programme.

Dec 22             Pine Grove nursing home seasonal Anglican sing-a-long                     3 p.m.

We welcome all who are worshipping with us this Advent Season. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial. We also pray that you might  find time in your busy life to return!
Interviews for 175 anniversary Video were conducted Sat. Oct., 26 inside the Church - those  interviewed spoke of their, their family's and friends connection and participation at St Peter's PAST and present. Robert Payne has graciously volunteered to produce a celebratory video as part of  our 175th anniversary celebrations. Robert hopes to have a finished product before Christmas.

Archbishop and Mrs Miller's visit  Nov 24th as part of our 175th Anniversary Celebrations

involving worship and fellowship was a great success enjoyed by all present.
St Peter's 175th year milestone was noted and celebrated at the Provincial Legislature on Thursday November 21 at 1 p.m. Parishioners were welcomed and congratulated!.
St Peter's (PEI)  Publications Church calendars are available at the rear of the church, cost: $7.00
6 sun-catchers remain available on a first come first served basis - at rear of church $10.00 each
Sign-up sheet for assistance in feeding the Rug Hookers annual Christmas gathering  on Dec 18th is at the rear - please aid the ACW ladies in this wonderful initiative!
The latest issue of all Parish schedules, are available in paper form at the rear of the church - these documents have also been sent to the Parish web-Master for Posting on our Parish web-site - www.stpeterfredericton.nb.ca The timeframe  covered stretches to Ash Wednesday 2014
The bin in the entry can now be used to gather items for Grace House, a Women's overnight shelter. They need women's clothing and non-perishable items to stock their shelves such as toiletries, toilet paper, paper towels, tea, coffee, soap, dish detergent, sugar ,flour, cans of food etc. These will be taken to the shelter after Sunday Dec.8th. St. Peter's ACW will also give a monetary donation to the shelter at that time.
Bishop Hockins and Dr Craig's Advent series - Making the Case for Christmas-  the first 3 Mondays in December, Crown Plaza 12:15 p.m.
Time to think about Memorial Donations for flowers at Christmas - please speak with or call Maria Matthews - 459-4552
A Box for donations to the Rector's Discretionary Fund has now appeared at the rear - please consider supporting this ever increasing need.
Financial news: FYI: The Diocese has recalculated the sum our Parish is asked to contribute to the greater Church each year -  St Peter's amount will be rising from 13,860.00 to 16,419.00. Last year we were able to pay 10, 350.00. Clearly a challenge faces us.