Thursday, January 08, 2009

E-Bulletin: Jan 11, 2009 Sunday After the Epiphany

Services this Week : Parish of St Peter, Fredericton, N. B.
Jan 18 Second Sunday after Epiphany Holy Communion 8 & 11 a.m.
Jan 14 mid-week H. C. 7 p.m.
Jan. 11 Sunday School & Confirmation Classes 10:15 a.m.
Jan 13 Parish Bible Study Ste Anne’s Court 3:30 p.m.
Jan 18 pot luck at noon followed by Annual Meeting 12:45 p.m.
O Come Let us Worship the Child who has manifested forth His glory as Lord, Creator and Saviour!

We welcome all visitors to our Parish this day. St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial. Please pray for us!
Is there someone who should be prayed for ? Prayers can be either public (in Church) or private - in homes and the Rector's personal devotions.

Fredericton Food bank: The Food Bank asks for a focus on ‘meal in a can’ items such as canned stews, canned beans or canned pasta. Remember: the need which exists before Christmas does not go away in January!

Parish monthly ACW meeting Feb 2 Hall 7 p.m. - weather permitting!

Bible Word Scramble :aohrlyrt - see readings on reverse. Last week’s answer: listen Isaiah 49:1
Sunday School resumes TODAY Jan 11 also Cathedral Puppeteers are here Sunday Jan 25th, 11 a.m.

Annual Parish Meeting Jan 18, 2009 following pot luck after 11 a.m. service. Annual Meeting reports should come to Fr Hebb by this Wednesday Jan 14

Needed Now: A volunteer(s) to snow shovel the church and parish hall next month. Shovelling must be done after each storm. If we cannot find volunteer(s) or someone to pay to do it the hall will become unusable. This will seriously impact our outreach (cubs, scouts etc) and also hurt (or terminate) hall generated cash flow from paying rentals.

Altar Guild and Church Cleaning sign-up sheets are at the rear - please consider giving it a try!

Shrove Tuesday Supper Feb 24 - please plan to help and attend!
