Saturday, December 28, 2013

Advent 4, 2013

Services next (Christmas) week: Anglican Parish of St Peter, Fredericton.

Dec 22                   Choir Carol Sing Pine Grove Nursing Home                                                   3 P.M

Dec 24                   Christmas Eve      Children’s Crèche Service (for those under 10 yrs)       4 p.m.

Dec 24                   Christmas Eve      Family Eucharist                                                                 7 p.m.

Dec 24                   Christmas Eve      Holy Communion (sung)                                                   10 p.m.

Dec 25                   Christmas Day                     Holy Communion (said)                                    11 a.m.

Dec 26                   St Stephen’s Day                 Holy Communion (said)                                    11 a.m.

Dec 27                   St John’s Day                       Holy Communion (said)                                    11 a.m.

Dec 28                   Holy Innocents                    Holy Communion (said)                                    11 a.m.

Dec 29                   Sunday after Christmas     Holy Communion                                               8 & 11 a.m.

 We welcome all who are visiting us for worship this Advent/Christmas season. You will notice that St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.

 Fr Hebb’s Food Bank Challenge: The challenge is- every time you go grocery shopping these days that you buy one item each time for the Fredericton Food Bank – and then bring it to Church for an offering which will be delivered to our Food Bank. Technically, this is called an “alms” offering!

 Going Fast ! - only 5 Church Calendars remain for sale at $7:00 each – please place funds in can!
2 sun-catchers remain available on a first come first served basis - at rear of church $10.00 each

 Christmas  Home & shut-in Holy Communions: Please speak to Fr Hebb immediately if there is a need for this ministry which he may not be aware of or simply verify that a desirous parishioner is on his list of Home Communions!
A container for donations to the Rector's Discretionary Fund has now appeared at the rear - please consider supporting this ever increasing need.

Financial news: FYI: The Diocese has recalculated the sum our Parish is asked to contribute to the greater Church each year -  St Peter's amount will be rising from 13,860.00 to 16,419.00. Last year we were able to pay 10, 350.00. Clearly a challenge faces us.

New sign-up sheets for Altar Guild 2014 and Church Cleaning 2014 are at the rear.

Annual Meeting January 19, 2014 following Congregational Pot Luck!