Saturday, February 22, 2014

Epiphany II, 2014

Services this Week: Anglican Parish of St Peter, Fredericton.

Jan 19     TODAY Annual Meeting following Congregational pot luck           12:45 p.m.

Jan 21               Parish Bible Study at Brunswick Hall, Shannex        3 p.m.

Jan 22               HC Pine Grove nursing home                            10:30 a.m.

Jan 22                     midweek service scheduled                                               7 p.m..
          Sunday school and Confirmation classes                                                  10 a.m.
                  Epiphany III          Holy Communion                                                 8 & 11 a.m.

We welcome all who are visiting us for worship on this Holy Epiphany season. You will notice that St Peter's is a specifically Prayer Book Parish theologically as well as liturgically. What this means is that traditional liturgy (services) are the worshipping expression of normative Anglican, (i.e., of the Anglican Communion) belief. We hope that you find your time in our midst spiritually refreshing and beneficial.
New offering envelopes are at the rear – if your name is not on a box then please claim a new box and sign your name on the sheet on the wall provided for that purpose. Let’s all do our bit financially and together keep the doors of St Peter’s open for our upcoming 176th year

1 sun-catcher remains available on a first come first served basis - at rear of church $10.00 each
A container for donations to the Rector's Discretionary Fund has now appeared at the rear - please consider supporting this ever increasing need. As well as requests for groceries, Fr Hebb also fields requests for rent -top-up funds, help with heating bills and gasoline money - sometimes to enable visits family members in distant hospitals.
Financial news: If you or anyone you love participates in the life of our Parish please give a thought to its ongoing life, ministry and presence by supporting St Peter's with a meaningful financial engagement in 2014. FYI: The Diocese has recalculated the sum our Parish is asked to contribute to the greater Church each year -  St Peter's amount will be rising from 13,860.00 to 16,419.00. Last year we were able to pay 10, 350.00. Clearly a challenge faces us.
                Seven members of St Peter's joined the good people of  St. Mary’s (York) on Sunday, January 5th, for their Festival of Lessons and Carols for Christmas on the 12th Night of Christmas. Mulled cider was enjoyed afterwards.  ALSO, a special joint musical service of Evensong  involving both St Peter's Choir and St Mary's choir  is being planned for Candlemas (February 2) at 4 p.m. at St Mary's Devon! storm date Feb 9th

New sign-up sheets for Altar Guild 2014 - (responsibilities can be taught new members) and Church Cleaning 2014 are at the rear.

A NEW wintertime initiative: Plans for the Valentine “Coffee Party” Bridge at Shannex are progressing nicely. The event will be held on Thursday, Feb 13, 2014 at 9:00 am and play will commence at 9:45 am.  A sign up list for volunteers to help and to bake sweet breads and/or coffee cakes  is in the narthax or entranceway to the church. Please lend your support by helping or spreading the news or why not get a table together and come and play bridge. For further details please speak to Frankie, A., Mary C. or Audrey K.

ACW Corner:Women's Inter-Church Council: Christian Unity Week Program, Thursday, Jan.23, at 1:30p.m. Grace Memorial Baptist Church. Theme:" A Time to Share our Faith Together". Participants: Rev. Dr. Peter Lohnes, Paster of Grace Memorial; Retired Bishop Bill Hockin,  Anglican;  Rev.Dr. Basil Lowrey, retired-Presbyterian, Rev. Ellen Bearisto, Wilmot United Church and Pastor Bill Brennan.  

St. Peter's ACW regular Feb. Meeting- 7pm Mon.Feb.3.2014 in the church hall.  We will have the World Day of Prayer tape to show: "Streams in the Desert". 

World Day of Prayer Bible Study: 10am Mon. Feb.17, 2014  Brunswick St. Baptist Church, all parish ladies welcomed, 3rd floor, new section ,take elevator from the 1st floor.  This year the Women of Egypt wrote ecumenical service for World Day of Prayer entitled " Streams in the Desert". Mary McMulkin has been to Egypt and offers great insight about her trip there with pictures and artifacts. This year World Day of Prayer Service: Fri. Mar.7,2014 at Holy Family Church, Hanwell.